Bethlehem Lutheran Church
Sunday Service 10:30am
4th & Ovington Avenues
Brooklyn NY 11209
Dear Members and Friends,
I still marvel at God’s incredible messages to us in scripture. I had to smile the other day as one of our members is reading the Bible from beginning to end for the first time. He is fascinated by the stories. There is an eagerness to get to the next chapter to discover what happens next. If all of us could be as enthusiastic about reading the Bible, how great that would be. Honestly, I still look forward to checking out the Celebrate insert each week to find out what’s next. In Confirmation class, as we study the New Testament, I look forward to opening up the meaning of a new scripture passage each week. God’s Word is still so critical for our lives, right here, right now.
In the Epiphany season, we read various scripture passages that revealed God in the person of Jesus Christ. We had the Wise men following the star to find the newborn king. We had Jesus’ baptism in the River Jordan. Jesus turned the water into wine at the wedding in Cana. He read from the prophet Isaiah and told his audience that he was the fulfillment of that prophecy. He amazed his disciples with a miraculous catch of fish and they changed their focus from catching fish to catching people. Finally, Jesus had some shocking words for us as he preached about loving our enemies, not retaliating and giving radically.
In the month of March, God’s Word continues to inspire us. As we move from Epiphany to Lent, the meaningful stories keep coming. This Sunday, Jesus will climb the mountain and be transfigured in front of a few of his disciples. As Lent begins, Jesus will be tempted by the devil in the wilderness. In spite of King Herod’s desire to have Jesus killed, he will be steadfast in his mission in this world. Jesus will have strong words insisting on our repentance, but then he comforts us with his wonderful parable of the prodigal son who is forgiven by his father.
In the Ash Wednesday liturgy, we are called to struggle against everything that leads us away from love of God and neighbor. Repentance, fasting, prayer, and works of love – the discipline of Lent – help us to wage our spiritual warfare. We are invited to commit ourselves to this struggle, asking our Father for strength and perseverance.
I would like to add a fifth item to our Lenten discipline. It is time to read scripture. It is time to sit down and read God’s Word. There is no book as fascinating. There is no book as inspirational. The Bible has the ability to impact out thoughts and actions like no other book ever written. God is speaking to us. We need to discover what God is telling us firsthand. Open it up. It’s time to read.
In the Lord's service,
Pastor Paul's March Message
Bethlehem Lutheran Church ® | 4th & Ovington Avenues, Brooklyn NY 11209 | 718.748.9502
A member of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA)
Lenten Prayer & Reflection
Every Wednesday evening at 6:00PM